If you have any interest in selling a property quickly and efficiently, you've come to the right place. Antler Properties has A Better Way to get the deal done in as little as 2 business days - not weeks or months. And when you sell to us using our " Better Way" method, you pay no commissions or fees!

Don't suffer through the "old way" to sell your property!

You know the "old way" of selling a property: Interview some agents who will tell you that you need to spend a bunch of money to paint, recarpet and clean the place like crazy. Then they want you to clear out of your place every time another tire-kicker wants to take a look around.

Sure, after scrambling to get out of the place a bunch of times, you will get an offer. But you can bet the offer will have a ton of strings attached to it - inspection contingencies, finance contingencies, etc. Any one of them can delay or kill the sale! And here's the important question that you have to ask yourself - Can you swing the payments for another 2-3 months until closing?

Think about the risks you take with the "old way" of selling your property - What will you do if the contract falls through at the last minute? What if the buyer can't get a mortgage approved? Well, using the "old way" to sell your property, you have to start all over again!

To avoid these frustrations and problems, try A Better Way to sell your property! Our offers are rock solid and simple: There are no bank financing contingencies and we don't need to hire home inspectors or appraisers. By eliminating these obstacles that are part of the "old way" of selling a property, we can close the deal and you can have the money in your hands in just a few days!

Attention - Landlords!

Are you a landlord and tired of the headaches? Get rid of your vacancy worries, late night phone calls, problem tenants and late payment excuses TODAY! Visit our special Landlords Section for more details!
Are you currently renting from Antler Properties?

Forgot the payment address, or need to get something at your place taken care of? Stop by our Resident's Page for contact information and more.